Wednesday, May 1, 2024

COMET 12P/PONS-BROOKS Taken by Mike White on April 29, 2024 @ Twizel, New Zealand


Comet 12P (Pons-Brooks) from Twizel, NZ on 29 April. A stack of 17 frames from the Esprit 100 ED and EOS R6. (8m30s at ISO 1600) A few different processing methods were tried before finishing up with this version. Processed in Siril and Photoshop. Some interesting structure in the ion tail (blue) and the dust tail is nicely visible. Would be nice to get some more time with this object later in the week though! Still, it's fun getting out and observing this one and I managed to help a random stranger capture her own images of the comet as she'd been photographing the location during sunset and wondered what on earth I was up to lugging a bunch of telescope boxes out of the car. So a successful night in all!

Photographer's website:

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